No. | Harmonized Standard | Scope | 이전 버전 | New 버전 | 이전 버전
만료일 |
1 |
EN 300 328 |
Wideband transmission systems; Data transmission equipment operating in the 2,4 GHz band (2400-2483.5 MHz) |
V2.1.1 |
V2.2.2 |
2021년 8월 6일 |
2 |
EN 300 674-2-2 |
차량용 기기 (DSRC, TTT (Transport and Traffic Telematics)), 5795 – 5815 MHz |
V2.1.1 |
V2.1.1 |
2021년 8월 6일 |
3 |
EN 302 065-3 |
SRD using UWB technology for devices for ground based vehicular applications |
V2.1.1 |
V2.1.1 with Restriction |
2020년 2월 |
Notice: This harmonised standard does not set out technical specifications for 'trigger-before-transmit techniques'. Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/785, however, imposes, as of 16 November 2019, technical requirements to be used within the bands 3,8-4,2 GHz and 6-8,5 GHz for vehicular access systems using trigger-before-transmit. Therefore compliance with this harmonised standard does not ensure compliance with Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/785 and accordingly does not confer a presumption of conformity with those essential requirements set out in Article 3(2) of Directive 2014/53/EU which relate to 'trigger-before-transmit techniques'. |